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only 18 days to go ... no bum this time

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joggerjayne | 08:34 Mon 25th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
After yesterday posting the clip of Gillian Cooke showing her bum crack ...

(quick reminder if you missed it ...)

(I know, I know ... I said "no bum". Sorrry)

... maybe I should redress the balance by posting her amazing achievement last year.

In February 2009 Gilly, and her driver Nicola Minichiello (a bit of a pin-up for the guys), won the Women's World Bobsleigh Championships.

Bobsleigh teams of the world ... be very afraid ... TEAM GB ARE COMING TO VANCOUVER !!!!



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Hi JJ gull. You're getting all upsited, (as our friend's daughter used to say) They did well indeed. It'll be great if they can pull it off in Vancouver!
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They've been in great shape in practice, wbm.
Great. I shall be watching.
some great replies here
-- answer removed --

Venus Williams is trying to outdo her JJ !!
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Eeeuuuww, redman ... that's a bit gross.

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only 18 days to go ... no bum this time

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