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Who's the oldest ABer?

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bigbrain_biggerego99 | 16:17 Mon 25th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Who has been on Answer Bank the longest?
I know I've been on it for a couple of months--
But some of you regulars must have been on it for years...

When was Answer Bank started and does it have any friends?


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Mr Veritas is 87 years young............Andy Hughes has been here since AB started...
From the bottom of this page

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So 10 years
i think first questions were in 2000.

and yes, it has friends on facebook
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Question Author
Are any of the regulars known to have been on it then?
Question Author
Oh, yeah. Hi Vibrashere. I didn't see you there
(Needed to refresh the page)
'I have dipped in and out'

I don't doubt it...
I think Andy Hughes is one of the (if not the only) surviving member, myself im a mere youngster, only been here since June 2005 :-)
Question Author
Is Andy Hughes their username?
And is it the same Ed as then?
Yeah ,Andy Hughes is his name. And the Ed? We're now on the 4th or 5th (estimate) one that I can recall, and that's only from '05.
-- answer removed --

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Who's the oldest ABer?

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