itchy lumps in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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itchy lumps

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hotfemail | 23:29 Wed 27th Jan 2010 | Health & Fitness
8 Answers
A few weeks before christmas I found some white raised itchy lumps on my arms (looked a bit like a nettle sting). They had a spot in the middle of some which I sometimes scratched in my sleep and they are still visible even when they have cleared up (a bit like chicken poxs cars !).
The doctor gave me antihystemines but some came up on the back of one leg, then after a while one on my back, one on my thigh, afew on my buttock, one on my eyelid, then today one has appeared on my forehead. They seem to come up within a few hours but stay hot and itchy for days.
I havent changed my soap, or washing powder, food, etc etc
Gp has sent me for blood tests but still waiting for results.
Anyone got any ideas ?? Please !!
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any pets on your bed at any time? Are the spots random around your body. do they discharge?
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I have no pets and not much carpet either. I have stripped and vaccuumed the mattress. The spots appear randomly but mostly arms and legs. The middle of the lump is white when pressed,and raised but the surrounding skin is hot and red and itchy !! Sometimes if i scratch them a colourless fluid comes out, then bleeds. euk !
your rash resembles chicken pox. have a look at this, i'm not saying it's this though. http://307.to/fz1

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Hi - thanks for that but the lumps are quite spaced out - just a couple at a time spring up then start to fade and they do not blister at all :(
They sound like insect bites to me.
Possibly bed bugs? You say you vacuumed the mattress, but they are incredibly difficult to get rid of. Do you have an alternate place where you can sleep (sofa)? (Just while you're figuring out what's causing the welts?)
It's easier than people think to get an infestation. They can 'ride in' on a visitors' bags or items.
take your pick of these.....are you stressed?

I was thinking impetigo.....

Are you on any medication apart from the antihistamines given to you by your Dr?

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