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Good night out.

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carrust | 11:13 Fri 29th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
What constitutes a good night out for you?


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Depends what kind of night...

Pubbing it....lot's of laughs. I'm not usually disappointed.

With BF....Lot's of laughs and nice chats.
One where I get home injury- free, with all limbs & bones intact, eyes still in sockets & I haven't (to my memory) insulted or annoyed anyone. And knickers still on.
lol sallabananas !
A nice, relaxed meal, wine and good company....

then home for a couple of hours of bedroom athletics
well, It used to be going to bed with a gorgeous girl, and waking up with an ugly dog,
with friends it would be a good nights investigating

with Mr CRX, crikey, been so long i cant even think lol. Probably a nice meal or good film.
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Curry, then onto see a live band...nowt gets better than that!
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nice meal and a few drinks with other half

lots of pubs with girl mates and laughing at anything !!!!
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I'm not allowed out................I either embarrass the daughter or fall asleep....
Usually involves good food, maybe some wine (not essential) and company of friends or the man hostage or indeed both.

Then home with the man hostage, cup of tea, a chapter from the bible and bed.
A good meal with compatible company.....and a ciggy after!
Pork scratching with half pint of shandy and then home to watch 6 o'clock news.
A run through the woods... nekked... howling at the moon...
Didn't you do that last weekend snags? I thought it was an 'end of the month' thing with you.
A decent band, decent beer then maybe an Indian to round the night off. That's a curry not a gentleman from the sub-continent.

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Good night out.

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