On the news last night they did a piece on the crime in South Africa and interviewed several mugger types who said they would be treating this like Xmas come early. You also have British firms offerring stab proof vests with England Badging etc. Presumably other nations are doing the same. Is it wise to be sending thousands of tourists into the Crime capitl of the world? what where FIFA thinking. What happenns when the fans all get together and start lynching the muggers? The whole thing is asking for trouble, comments please.
/// Who wants to go to South Africa anyway, my Daily Mail World Atlas says it is full of AIDS.///
You don't need your Daily Mail World Atlas to tell you this, it is a well known fact.
/// An estimated 5.2 million people were living with HIV and AIDS in South Africa in 2008, more than in any other country.1 It is believed that in 2008, over 250,000 South Africans died of AIDS.2 ///