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dizmouk2009 | 20:48 Sat 30th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Hey all, sorry for just leaving so suddenly, I had to (and still am) sort some stuff out. x


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Aye oop.
Good to see you back dizmo, some of us were worried.
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Well I migrated for a few days, just picked up and went, left home and went to find myself...... I found a handsome looking guy called Dizmo
Yes those funfair house of fun mirrors are very deceptive
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hey, hey heeey. Mr moon, Mr moon, Mr mooooooooooooon!
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Yes, why would you like to purchase one for your box?
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This is going to sound like a stupid question but I could do with talking to someone medically minded. I need to now the proper effects of 'amitriptyline'. I can't talk to my GP for certain reasons. I'm having really bad side effects and I don't think they are normal for someone taking these drugs. If anyone knows of a perfect place (-NHS, -GP's) to post this question I'd appreciate it.
Diz... I took those years ago when I was suffering from insomnia. They are a sedative/antidepressant. I wasn't depressed to begin with, but always suffered with a type of depression the day after taking those tablets. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone...
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I'm only taking 20mg a day and there are rendering me useless for about 12 hours. I read a few blogs about them and half of the people said that they don't even remember the day before. I'm taking 240mg of codeine and 20mg of amitriptyline a day and I can't even function. Yesterday I stayed at my friends house and he rang 999 because I went from being normal to unconcious in about 15 minutes. I don't even remember the ambulance crew being there. I still have the ECG tags, I just don't remember them hooking me up to the system :(
Amitip is a nasty drug. I only took it because diazapam failed to help me sleep. I was totally zombied out and under a "black cloud" the day after taking it. If you were in that state, I would say get to your GP asap and change your script.
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My GP shouted at me for taking so many tablets. Obviously we all know a GP is someone who works at a family clinic and it means you could have any doctor 'see you'. I was at the doctors 3 days ago and it was the same doctor who admitted me to hospital about 6 months ago. He called me stupid for taking so many tablets.... I told him the pain I was going through and he just said "why didn't you mention this when you were here in December", so I replied 'I did'. He then replied "so why didn't that doctor change your medication", to which I replied - "I came in for a chest infection.....While I was at the surgery I also show that I was concerned about how many drugs I were taking at the time. The doctor said, and I quote - 'As long as they are working there is no reason to take you off the medication' ". Honestly I'm sick of it all and if I carry on taking the drugs I am doing then I'm going to be 6 feet under before I hit 30.
You could always ask to see another Doctor. Sit down and explain all your concerns. I'm sure you will be able to reach a resolution.
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I can't I've been trying to find the answer for over 2 years, I've seen 9 doctors and 1 specialist - I can't find the answer. I've been in hospital for the same reason and they couldn't find the answer.....

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