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only 12 days to go

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joggerjayne | 09:13 Sun 31st Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
... until the Winter Olympics ...

... 4 day to my ski trip (yay)

... and probably forever until my head feels better.

( ... groan ... )


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Girls weekend away, CARA ... going to Schladming, in Austria.

Woo Hooo !

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Are you serious ???!!!
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Thank you x

We're going away again at Easter, a big group, with families. Next weekend is when the WAM's leave their families behind, and let their hair down for a few days.
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come up to stoke jj...there is plenty of snow here i can make you a cresta run in my back garden lol
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Hi, stokey ... x

CARA ... yes, okay.

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Aww.... does JJ have an over-hang?

Where's the ski trip venue then? x
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Hi Carabint. I'm just about to make a pot of Ceylon. Can I tempt you? :-)
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If I'd bothered to actually read the thread.... I would have seen that JJ is going to AUSTRIA !

Well... it's Sunday !! lol
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Just noticed in the telly guide ...

Ski Sunday this afternoon is from Schladming !!

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