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Number 4782 in the Queue

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China Doll | 10:43 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I guess those tickets for the Arctic Monkeys aren't looking too likely then. :c(



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The ebay touts have bought them all...
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Bl00dy ticket touts... Complete vipers... :c(
i bought them all and ate them
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Doesn't suprise me Fluffy.... You'll do anything to make me cry ;oP
well not anything

but i would give you a latte with extra cream and tell you it was a black coffee :-)
Question Author
And I'd pay any man to tie you to the bed and cover you in something you really like the texture of... Like mushrooms or jelly... as a valentines suprise.

Wuv you..... ;0P
pmsl --- i had a horrid dream the other night i dreamt i was drowning in a vat of jellied eels!
''And I'd pay any man''

vibra will do it for free...
Question Author
Good point snags... where is the northern one when you need him? Oh I forgot. He's probably 'docking' with you ;oP

Fluffy - I'm pretty sure I had a dream that my 9 year old god daugther was trying to knife me last night while wearing a pink fluffy dress and a tiarra... I wouldn't mind but she's now a 17 year old, teenage pregnancy statistic and that's way more scary.
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Down to 942 now. Marvellous.
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Sold out :c(
ebay it is then... 2 standing tickets: £300... bargain :-(
awwww pants, where are you tryign to get tickets for, i might be able to scam you a set

not promising but we get freebies now and then

i'd be more worried about your niece in a pink fluffy dress - even if it was a dream

Vibes you're not that brave....
Fluffy will eat anything LOL
not anything rinky, i am actually quite fussy :-)
Question Author
I'm trying to see Arctic Monkeys at the Albert Hall Fluffy... I've wanted to see them live for ages but not at £300!

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