I watched this too & couldn't believe how these women with perfectly healthy boys, would still crave for & go out of their way to 'try' to have girls.
The woman with four beautiful boys, who went out of her way to have a daughter, then ended up having twin girls, was a weirdo. Taking them to the posh shops to chose all those expensive clothes & makeup at 4 years old, was in my opinion wrong & I think they were well on their way to being precocious, spoilt little brats like their mother!
Having said that, we wouldn't be without our two daughters, three granddaughters & one grandson.
A couple of my friends envy the fact that we have daughters & granddaughters, one in particular was most upset when her 4th grandson came along, asking me why 'I got all the girls?' I told her not to be so silly & that you should accept what nature intends. She has since died & her son & daughter-in-law has had another boy, so that would have been 5 grandsons - it just wasn't meant to be....