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Tesco trolleys

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smee.tracey | 22:59 Mon 04th Jul 2005 | Adverts
4 Answers
Who are the voices behind the trolleys. I can think of: Kevin Whately, Prunella Scales, David Jason and Kathy Burke. Who are the others please?


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One of them is Penelope Keith, and yes, David Jason.
Terry Wogan and Babs Windsor.  Jimmy Nail is in one, I think, too.

These adverts really annoy me. The whole premise that people won't need trolleys when they are buying car insurance so the trolleys are redundant. What are they gonna put their groceries in?!

AND I think Tesco are just being smug about how much cash they can wantonly pay on celebrity voice-overs. If you have SO much spare cash Tesco, take it off the apples, then I will shop with you, you and your fat cat bosses. Grrrrrr...

Someone help me!  My other half reckons the geordie actor in the Tesco ads is Jimmy Nail, I say Kevin Whately... which one is it?  How can I find out for sure?!

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Tesco trolleys

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