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my kids decided to make a snow lady

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zzxxee | 14:11 Mon 11th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
copmpleate with boobs nipples and pubic hair
(very creative my brats!!!!)

its in our back garden
but lady across road insists i take it down as she can see it from her window and to her it is vulgar what do you think i should so??

bearing in mind my kids are not tiny 18 and 13 !!!!!


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If she has a six foot fence, you should warn that standing on tiptoe on a chair in a bedroom window, craning her neck like that to see it, could result in a nasty injury!
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awwwwwww i cant get boos link to work
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no she looks down from her bedroom window androcles!!!
I would put some bra and knickers on it or a bikini with tufts either side!!! I'd prob add arm pit hair too!! Blooming heck I mean it's not like you've got it standing on a street corner or anything, it's in your own garden surrounded by a fence!!!
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bra and knickers fab wignut !!!
Maybe if you gave her a brazillian it would be more acceptable?

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my kids decided to make a snow lady

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