Anybody meeting “Anna” for the first time would be forgiven for thinking she has a perfect life. She is 29, slim, attractive, well educated and rapidly climbing the career ladder as a solicitor with a dynamic City firm.
Yet her whole demeanour is nothing more than a well-constructed facade. Rather than spending her evenings at the latest fashionable restaurant or gossiping over cocktails at a trendy wine bar, Anna instead spends up to five hours a night on her laptop - obsessively tracking the lives of her ex-boyfriends, old friends and acquaintances and work colleagues.
Many people are attracted to leading a second 'life' on the internet but Anna has an aggressive sort of addiction called membership of
When she isn't glued to Facebook or blogs, she is trawling
New research now links addictive internet use with both extreme happiness and also depression. The study found that spending too long online at can expose a 'dark side'.
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PS This article has been subject to a modest amount of editing!