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Facebook friend invitation....

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smudge | 22:17 Fri 12th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
I receive quite a few friend invitations for Facebook, but one I've just declined is from a fella in India! How & why the hell would he be inviting me, as I've never even heard of him.

I looked on his friends list & none of my family or friends are on there.


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lol Elvis - I'm a very cautious person, so am good at ignoring! Co-running a company for 26 years put me in good stead for that sort of thing! ;o}

I'm happy to say that I don't go in for any of these Farmville thingies. A couple of my friends have hundreds of the things & they take up soooo much space on there! They must be sooo bored sending or accepting them!

Ah, I'll be your friend NoK! ;o}
Facebook has gone quite bad in theb last few weeks and i don't bother with it much.
i hope it's not you total social life though hippy ,
sadly - it's 90% of my social life..!
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Same here Dot.

I first registered with FB ages ago, but didn't get the time to keep up with it, so I de-registered. Then, a few friends asked me why & sent me more invitations, so I recently re-registered. Don't know how long I'll stay this time though......
HippyHoppy - Your social life sounds just like mine!
lol - that - and chatterbox!.. mind you I'm broke so can't afford to go out anyhoo!!
I live in the middle of nowhere and have five kids (and not much money) so playgroup of a Friday morning is the highlight of my week.
That's why you never see me here much. Mind you a lot of my friends are fellow ab'ers
talking about social networking on channel 4 now haha
Yes lilsecret, seems I have been banned, from what I`ve seen of the site lately I`m glad
Elvis - maybe it was your comments about another user having someone's blood on their hands!
It seems everyone I speak to has a Facebook account. Never appealed to me though.
I joined to support the 'save the Derby Theatre' and it snowballed from there... (ps.. we did save the Derby Theatre and I lost two hours of my life watching The Tempest with the oldest for a school project...)
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Maybe it was lilsecret, and your point is?
Disgraceful Elvis . . . .
Elvis - my point is . . . . you should know

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Facebook friend invitation....

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