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daneswalk | 00:14 Sat 13th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
had a cortisone injection today it was in the sole of my foot is this the most hurtful injection to have by the way its not done any good


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I had cortisone injections into the spaces between my ribs a couple of years ago, it was agony! and they didn't work either :(
When I had tennis elbow (extremely painful) my doctor refused to give me a cortisone injection because (a) they were very painful and (b) 50% of the time they didn't work...hopefully yours may be okay in a few days time.
maybe you should chage your name to daneslimp now hope you are ok....
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it appears that the muscle has collapsed and i will just have to live with it not to worry i have had a good healthy innings up to now
Awww, poor you, just the thought of having an injection on the sole of my foot makes me cringe. OUCH!!! Mind you, the thought of an injection anywhere makes me cringe! I hate needles! Hope you are Okay. :-)
ive had a bad knee for a couple of weeks now and it hurt...i went to the doctors and he examined it and said i have patella burstitis [or something like that]....or housemaids knee as its commonly known its still sore and swollen....old age is creeping up on me lol.....
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hi stoke i am eighty thats why i say i have had a good innings i still have my punt on saturdays i wont tell you what i am backing tomorrow but they all have to do with flight being an ex royal air force man that should give you a clue
good on you daneswalk im ex staffordshire regiment....but even if i pick my horses with my favourite names i dont win much these days lol

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