Does anyone know why they do them at 11 weeks now instead of 12? I was told that was standard now to do the booking at 8 weeks insted of 10, and scan at 11 instead of 12 weeks. Not that it matters, but I'm curious as I'm having my scan on wednesday!
Oooooo exciting! Will you find out what you are having? (not on Wednesday obviously though :o))
I don't know the answer to the question by the way!!
Hope you're doin well x
ha ha thanks, I'm ok, still feeling sick and wretching a lot, which really worries titch, so she wags her finger at me and pats me on the back! Dunno if we'll find out what we're having, but I have a feeling its a girl, which probably means its a boy!! oh well only another 29 weeks to go and we'll know for sure! Wow it's scary to think of it like that.
i do know the answer to this but not sure if this is the right reason.... i'm sure its so that they can take bloods, screenings etc on the right week or something like that
i'll need to ask my friend again because i'm not totally sure if thats the right answer but its something to do with it