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Shahid Malik spills the beans.......

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R1Geezer | 20:40 Thu 11th Feb 2010 | News
19 Answers
This a a government minister speaking at the National Holocaust centre memorial event.
To the Islam is a fluffy bunny religion of peace brigade, still say they don't want to turn us into Britainistan?


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What's your point?
If a political party has a leader who is disliked, then the electorate won't vote for them.
For Funks Sake. If all these Muslims are going to become MPs who's going to run the corner shops? That'll be it for me Daily Mail, 20 B&H and cheap booze!
Would you RIG refuse to vote for a candidate because the candidate was a Moslem ?

The speech is perfectly sensible. The number of Moslem MPs doesn't reflect the number of Moslems in the country, but neither does the number of women MPs represent the number of women in the country.The number of Jewish MPs, I suspect, represents more than the number of Jews (Mrs Thatcher, a rare woman MP, had a high percentage of her cabinet Jewish, so she was egalitarian !) That was not the speaker's point. What's important is that people vote for the best candidate and don't refuse to vote for someone because that person is a woman, or a Jew , or a Moslem.
The speaker wasn't arguing for 'Moslem domination' but for the recognition of Moslem candidates as fit to be MPs and celebrating the signs, and the hope, that that would increase.
what about female muslim MPs? How many does the UK have?
If I had a pound today, and turned it into £2 tomorrow, and then £4 the day after and then £8 the day after, within 3 weeks I would be a millionaire.

This is obviously impossible, just as a Muslim majority is impossible (within our lifetimes)
Dammit, oneeyedvic. I was going to buy a euromiliions ticket before you posted !
Yup, moslem reproduction rates aren't like the Chinese emperor and his grains of rice on a chessboard !
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The point is that when they get enough MP's they can do what they like, Party loyalty becomes secondary to relgion.
RIG that presumes that Parliament ever debates anything in which religious belief and devotion is material. It very rarely does.Abortion, the death penalty (no longer, of course), laws about homosexuality, were all set in our law long ago. Catholic adoption agencies and homosexual adopters is the only recent question that comes to mind. What do you think that a devout Moslem MP would find to oppose (or propose) ?
By the way,RIG , what's the answer to my question 'Would you refuse to vote for a candidate because the candidate was a Moslem ?' ?:
Burying your head in the sand is not an option.

We need to stand firm now and reject muslims in law. Fine, all idiots can worship who they like, but their law is outside of the UK law.

On top of this the UN needs to implement a population control. This would curtail religions populating for their own need. This is not just a muslim problem either. It is however a far bigger problem than the supposed climate issue.
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fred, yes I would not not vote for a muslim.

secondly the other points you make about party politics/death penalty/ abortion etc miss the point entirely. These are muslims who believe in the the islamification of the world and death to the infidel, to them everything else is a secondary issue. You are trying to think of it in terms of normal people. Normally I'd agree with what you are saying but this is not rational. Once they get enough to change the rules party issues won't matter because they all have the same agenda.
RIG how many Moslem countries can you cite where Christians are murdered with the patent approval of the government ? Pakistan ? Bangladesh? Indonesia ? Which countries ? Can you think of any ?
For some reason, the Moslems there who would kill infidels don't appear to be running the government, or controlling the people, yet the picture you paint is that elected Moslems here will do precisely that.Odd, is that not? In other countries the infidels are in the minority, after all.
Really Geezer if you substituted Muslim for Jew in your last tirade then you really would sound Goebbells.
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Then why does the number of Muslim MP's it seem to matter to the minister?
It matters to the Minister because he's part of an evil conspiracy to take over the world, kill the first born of all non-believers, ban all alcohol and drugs, chop the hands off shoplifters,force everyone to follow Islam and have everyone go to Mecca (bad luck if you don't like Bingo)

Strange that the first women MPs wanted yet more women MPs (Mind their reason was world domination too)

He wants to remind his audience that it is possible for Moslems to be accepted by everyone (not RIG obviously) be elected, become members of the government,and he is himself evidence of that. They are not doomed to being rejected. And they will be increasingly accepted as candidates and elected .In fact, he jokes, at this rate of increase the whole house will be Moslem !
PS You'd better watch out for the Jews,RIG. Malik was speaking at the National Holocaust Centre memorial week. Jews are only 0.5 per cent of the British population but they're everywhere. They may be secret Zionist extremists !. Judges, lawyers, doctors , MPs. are Jews .5 of the 20 of Thatcher cabinet were Jewish. Peter Mandelson is Jewish. It seems that 40 per cent of the Chilcot inquiry are Jewish. We used to stop them.Their first MP was in 1858 but others were effectively prevented until the 1866 Oaths Act. The first Jewish graduate,1829.The first barrister,1839.Where will it all end? LOL

Mr Malik might have the same ambitions for Moslems as earlier the Jews had for Jews. What a thought!. When your statements were described as like Goebbels' there was really no comparison was there?.His fear was of a Jewish minority controlling the country.your fear is of a Moslem community.forcing their religion on us
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No, birdy, but your deliberately not comparing with like. I'd object to the BNP getting more seats . I couldn't object to their boasting about it and claiming that they'd get more. I wouldn't refuse to vote for them because their candidate was white, or Jewish, or black, or a Moslem.Their membership would, unless the candidate was white.They want only one race and religion in this country (they've toned down their dislike of Jews, but it's still to be discerned, methinks ) let alone only one in Parliament.

That is a rather different thing from Jews, oi women, or Moslems being proud of having Jewish, or female, or Moslem MPs and hoping for, expecting, more, don't you agree ?

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