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Housing benefit.

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Glaikityin | 11:46 Mon 15th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
FAO ummmm. Have left message on previous post for you. G


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I can't work out why you have posted this message on here and under Family.
I answered this in 'family'

What post....
http://www.theanswerb...k/Question862961.html that one ummmm.

though it doesnt really need the extra thread, Glaikityin
yes redcrx, but I don't think that this solves the mystery as even in this thread glaitkynn refers to a previous post
You really should be a detective Red :-)

I really don't know much about benefits. Just that you can have 6k....If it's gone up then that's good. For every £500 you have over 6k then you lose a bit of benefit. Up to 16k...then you won't get anything.
i think he / she is referring to the answer he gave in that same thread.
For a definitive answer look on the directgov website- or ask your benefits office
I can see why the user name has been chosen!!
-- answer removed --

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