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sddsddean | 21:19 Tue 14th Jan 2003 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
The movie quiz has got to be in on Friday. Can anyone think of a film title that fits 'Short section addition minus fifty'. I'm desperate, so any ideas at all!. Thanks


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ok thinking logically about it....short section - bit....part....arc?.....addition - plus? minus fifty - must be taking out the L (roman numeral for 50) so it leaves you with the letters pus added onto something that means short section?? Hope this sparks something in someone else!!!
Could it be Mr. Hollands Opus .....dont know it will fit but it was a movie starring Richard Dreyfuss. But if you find out different i would appreciate you posting the correct movie on this thread. Regards
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I'd thought the same as sft, and did a search on IMDB, but only came up with some french film for 'pus'. The only one I can think of is Spartacus, as that has got 'part' in it and ends in 'us' which is sort of right, but not. Thanks for the ideas and keep thinking!!!
So what was the answer then???? Put us out of our misery, pleeeeease!!
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The answer is that Pat got the question wrong, so its out of the quiz. Rest assured I have suitably berated her. I think she quite enjoyed it!!!
Naughty Pat! Let's hope she does better next time!

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