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cupid04 | 00:59 Wed 17th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
what is your other half doing at the moment? mines downstairs watching repeats of taggart. i think there might be amudder soon!!


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rather late for bingo,or doyou mean on line bingo?
Theres only me so not applicable ♥
In bed
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you never know mammalynne, tomorrow could be your lucky day!
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Just gone to bed. Came in drunk from darts so he'll be snoring. May as well sit up and watch the Olympics.
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what and give him a good poke?
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with the bow i mean!!!
Cupid thanks for that thought but am not on the lookout, got a bit spoilt, night night Tonyted
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You did ask.....but should I say? How old are you b4 I answer?

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