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Yes? Someone speak?
Norman Wisdom !
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Clever birdie, I now realise he's one of those loony mediums. Thanks. But what was the question? Do you think RJUKL will tell us or do we have to hold a seance?
Derek Acorah is indeed a fake & very irritating - having tried to watch him twice in his very early days.

Gullible people are willing to pay £19 each, to watch this prat of a bloke spurt a load of false rubbish - more fool them!

Says it all:

'An evening with Derek Acorah is experimental/investigational. There are no guaranteed or certain results and the show is for the purposes of amusement/entertainment.'
amusement is right..!
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Oh birdie - I've been in hysterics watching that!

As I said yesterday, there are a lot of sad, gullible people out there willing to pay to watch him - lining his pockets in the process!
He was once a regular on Talk radio. Listeners would phone in and more often than not would put them in touch with the spirit world. It did not work every time but the laws of probability meant it happened more than it should.

Some believe its the ability to tune into another person's frequencies and their thoughts. If you were new to this planet and you heard transmissions on your radio from afar this would also be hard to fathom. You need an open mind to believe in something we are capable of understanding.
I do have an open mind when it comes to psychic communication, However that said I find derek acorah to be a cold reader.
My mind is so open that, at times, all I can hear is the sound of the air passing through..........however, Derek Acorah is a charlatan; a fake; a fraud and a deceiver.

That there are things about which we, as yet, know very little, does not mean that this money-grabbing rogue has actually tapped into anything at all.

The disclaimer has had to be introduced to prevent folks being prosecuted under a recent Act of Parliament (can't remember exactly what it is); the palmists in Blackpool now have to have the same disclaimer displayed.
Needs to be arrested, publicly humiliated and made to confess that he is a con artist and he only pretends to have psychic powers.

Some people really do believe they have these powers and I only feel pity for them but Mr Acorah knows exactly what he is and blatantly isn't doing and should be brought to book.
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Birdie1071 I have just watched that Harry Hill clip.It is hilarious. I can hardly believe that those people didn't crack up laughing.
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quantum mysticism?

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Do you know the answer?

derek acorah

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