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Is there anything you miss about the 80s?

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cazzz1975 | 23:07 Fri 19th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
I miss having big hair
tubular steel chairs with no arms
phones that had wires and that had to be dialled
high waistbands
ceefax playing up if you had an indoor aerial it used to say "ceefux" sometimes :P


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Oh! ....

and Not The Nine O'Clock News
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remember those tight perms where they used to cut the sides really short and perm the rest, like a curly mullet? loads of girls at school had those
Magpie ... and How! on the TV where there was only 3 channels!
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I have the argos catalogue from 1984/5/6/7 on disk, how sad is that!, fascinating stuff though, a commodore 64 is about 250 quid!
I miss my mum's nest of stacking tables.. orange plastic.

actually, that was the 70's.. but quite spectacular. clashed terribly with the purple capet.
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I miss a time when mobile phones and texting didnt exist
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im a proud geek nok
warehouse parties
Agree with Postdog and 'NO!'... can't think of a single thing I miss and I'm not that young.

What an awful decade.
being middle aged
Proper Saturday night TV that meant you had a night in before your night out!
too right dot the generatio game,noels house party....great tv.....
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"I've got a window...let's do lunch!"
I miss the flower power when wearing flowers in you hair and I had a a few plastic ones in the front of my open top MG Midget sports car,, OH the memory's, (sigh)

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Is there anything you miss about the 80s?

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