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Andy008 | 19:59 Fri 22nd Jul 2005 | Travel
7 Answers

I am interested next year in organising a lads holiday for about 6 people. I would be interested to know if anyone can recommend a decent travel operator for this sort of thing to Spain, and what sort of prices

I'm not interested in culture or history, just cheap drink and loose women.




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Club 18-30

And don't forget to store the number of your local GUM clinic in your phone.  Sounds like you'll need it when you get back. 

Have a good holiday.  Try not to catch any lasting memories!!!

PS - A lot depends on your age and the time of year you're going.

My advice - when we booked out 20s holiday we played off two branches of Going Places off against each other.  Each was so desperate for the comission on a group of 23 going away for a fortnight that we got a good �600 off the asking price!!!

andy the last few lads breaks i've organised have been done idependantly ie booked flights with low priced airline then rooms with someone like alpharooms on line its simple and very cheap , 2 weeks ago we did magalluf for �135 each half board very nice hotel , booked up lamanga golfing yesterday for january �80 incl. flights and accomodation !!!
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Thanks for the advice - like so many businesses I can see that most tour operators make their money based purely on people's laziness, it is always cheaper to do it yourself.
Any spare places,Andy ;)
If you want to stay in campings in Spain I recommend you

Hope it helps.


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