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brenda | 13:56 Sun 21st Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
nstead of going out in the snow today and breaking my other wrist, will stay in and trip over the dog instead.


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just sit down and don't move!
O dont tempt fate brenda !!

My cat is more of a bleeding hazard than snow or ice !

Hope youre coming to terms with it today -what a sickener x
It is reaining heavily here in the south-east. is it lots of snow up there with you?
...i think the rain is in my keyboard, apologies for the typos above!
wise decision
I think you're going to need to wrap your entire body in a double duvet, put a cycling (or possibly hockey) helmet on and if you've got any cycling pads for your arm so much the better... And then as Sara says, stay still! ;0)

I hope you feel better soon.
Better yet, trip over the dog and break your wrist in the process...

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