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Do you believe in ghosta?

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RJUKL | 00:17 Wed 24th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Do you believe that the dead can still see what is going on ín the land of the living? Do you believe that they can bring messages from beyond the grave and if so why is it always so trivial?


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Well I don't know really, off topic of ghosts and afterlife.

How about relationships.

I was wondering the other day what if you are in a relationship where things are far from perfect, you argue, your partner cheats that sort of thing. Well normal reaction would be to leave right. But what if you're supposed to stay with them and that is your sort of call of duty in life. Who says you're supposed to leave if your partner cheats? Do we only believe this because we have been programmed by media or other sources? But then I was talking to my housemate about this theory and she said that I was way off and that the way she sees it is that you wouldn't wear a pair of shoes that were uncomfortable you would find a pair that fit and didn't hurt. Same with a relationship. That really cleared things up for me :)
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well, she always was / is pleasant to me, so I have no beef with her.
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TT, you're an old bloke? lol
Thought you were a young lad
lucky you! thats very good going! :-)

Anything you want to talk about?
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I'm all questioned out for now. Must go to bed I think.

Night night
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night night tony ted. Thanks for your company :-)
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Do you believe in ghosta?

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