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Do you love your parents?

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ummmm | 14:27 Wed 24th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
I tried to love my Mum but I feel nothing for her. She was a great Mum and tried so hard with me. I just wanted my Dad though....

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I try not to have rose tinned specs glasses on when it comes to my dad. He could be a git some timetimes but yes, I did love him and the things he did wrong seem so much less important now he's gone. He loved me, my girls and my sister unconditionally and taught me a lot of things that I hope to pass on to my 2. He'll always be a major part of this family, even though it can only be in memory now.
My mum and I are such similar creatures that we used to clash terribly but now that's one of the things that makes us close. We help each other a lot and have a lot of fun together. I consider her a good friend as well as my mum.

My husbands mum, on the other hand; well....... words fail me

just because a woman changes your nappy does not mean she loves you!! "

Redhelen, I'm not implying Ummmmm Mum loved or even liked her, I'm said what I said so perhaps Ummmmm could have a change of heart. Did you noticed where Ummmm said she feels nothing for her Mum? This is what I am addressing.
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It's just a bad time of year for me. It makes me think about him all the time. When I was a kid he use to work away. When he died all my letters were in his bedside table.
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Society.....I do feel for her. Just not what I would consider 'love'. She was a great Mother....I cannot knock her. She tried her hardest with me. She use to try and cuddle me and I'd flinch.....that's one of my earliest memories.

Dad would walk in and I was all kisses and cuddles......she gave up on me. I don't blame her.
I haven't got a Mum or Dad any more. I didn't see eye to eye with my Mum but yes I know now that she has gone (less than a year ago) that I did love her even if we didn't always like each other.
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Area....are you ok with that?
My dad died when I was 18 so I don't know what my adult relationship with him would have been like. My mother is still alive and kicking and was so hard to live with that she burnt me out years ago so I couldn't say if I do or not but I don't see much of her
When my Mum and Dad were alive,there were times when I thought I really hated them.This belief tempered as the years went by and married and had children of my own.
My Mum died in 1976 aged 55yrs and it was the saddest day in my life.I thank God
she was able to see her two grandchildren born and love them as she wanted.
I grew up in a large family with loving, kind, giving, unselfish parents in a very loving environment. So, it's very hard to imagine parents who don't love their children or children who don't love their parents. Apologies to anyone whom I've offended.

I understand what you saying, Ummmmm. Keep this in mind though - your dad didn't leave you, he'll always be in your heart. You take care of yourself.
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I loved both my parents, and I miss them very much.
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Area......I get your gist. Hope you've done ok x

Society....I have no reason in the world to not love my Mum. I can't think of anything bad about her. I'm really really close to her brothers. I've come to the conclusion that I just don't like women.

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