are they just scaremongering?...I read an article in the daily mail today that was claiming that a large number of women in there 30's(something like 1 in 5 women) haven't had sex for 5 years. 5 years!!! a lot of these women are single women but also women who believe it or not are in relationships where sex had become low on the list of priorities after looking after children,working,etc.,but a large number being single mums who don't have the opportunity(or inclination) to get back out on the dating scene. having been split up from my partner and now a single mum for 9 months this was scary reading i tell you!
not sure where these figures came from but i wonder if the daily mail just like scaring single women. there was an article a couple of weeks ago that said 30 something women are too picky in relationships and that fertility decreases very quickly once we are in our 30's and that we should 'make do' with what partners we can get.