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story of chatterbankers

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slinky.kate | 13:18 Thu 25th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
you have to make up a story with users name,i'll start ;
(bobbi sox) 'get your sox on bobbi or you will get sick


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this weather is showing 'no mercy' i'll need to get my 'lardhelmet'on in case i fall when i go to collect my new car,it's a jmr27,latest model.
stop has(slin)g me for (ky kate).
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^^^your like a booldawg in a china doll shop
the MightyWBA were not so mightly last night in the FA cup ...
I had to get the builders out, mate because we still had snagging to do.
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mr veritas and the inspektor are coming over to check my bibblebub tub for any snags,we've got to keep in with society as they show no mercy when bobjugs and judge nutmeg start singing.
^^^ ummmm

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