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ummmm | 12:55 Sun 28th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Off to visit my Dads grave in a bit. Then Gingers taking us out for a nice meal. I think to curb the crying...

I miss my Dad soooo much.

Resting in peace Tommy xxxxx


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Head up ummmm, he would have been proud of you. You have your Treasured memories, enjoy your Lunch
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Thanks Red....

He would be proud...taking MIL :-)
Good luck, it is never easy going to visit a loved ones grave. I miss my Dad and Mum very much, so I appreciate how difficult it is for you. It doesn't matter if you have a cry, enjoy the meal and take care.
Bless ya ummmm -he was so lucky to have a loving daughter like you xx
Enjoy your family today.Im sure thats what he would have wanted.x
hope you find some peace and contentment at your dads graveside,
i know i feel closer to loved ones when i visit where they rest

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Wish me luck.....

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