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Can you block people from communicating with you?

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Mr_G_Leg | 23:41 Sat 20th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers


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No. But I guess not replying to them, as you have in your previous thread, might be a good start...
You can in the real world...but not on here...
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i would not need to snags if that dothawkes31 would leave me alone. that is not a lot to ask is it? i do not even understand why she targets me i do not even know them.
ha ha
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hello 20SilkCut , i guess you are a smoker then lol?
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or contribute in other topics
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i don't want to jemima91
Hello back Mr G i am a smoker....
we are a dying breed!!!
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glad you were able to register with another email addy, very perceptive of you
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She was most probably drunk.

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Can you block people from communicating with you?

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