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My dog has just.....

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benny3008 | 22:47 Sun 28th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
pulled the enter key off my laptop keyboard! He wanted to sleep on it because it was warm and in doing so he has caused havoc! :-(


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he looked like he was going to be trouble, Benny!
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Your damn right he's trouble, its his middle name!
good job it wasn't on your lap ;)
How do you type with him sleeping on your keyboard?
Thought I was gonna see a thread about a dead dog
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I couldn't type, hes sleeping on my legs now as im lay on the floor, lol, i have my laptop back now! :-)
As long as he didn't swallow the key and you had to wait for it to reappear naturally...
Ah benny, bright dog! One of my cats will stand on the keyboard sometimes.... eppppeejkekkkfkf. He stands on the phone buttons too sometimes, god knows what our phone bill would be like if we didn't notice.

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