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My internet is really slow tonight.

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NoMercy | 23:31 Sun 28th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Anybody else experiencing this?


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Are you sharing your pc with anyone then Nom?!
Yes - mine is taking ages to open new pages. Are you rained out in Spain? Looks rough from here!
yes i put mine on earlier and it was really bad ,it is a little better now but not much ,b/f was having problems too x
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No... I'm not sharing with anyone. And we've had no rain here in Xeraco. Just very windy last night.
I always have this problem mainly on a sunday night , i think its the shire number of people useing the net on a sunday night the servers are not going too admitt that they can't cope, i have complained in the past but their answers is just not too answer you, so be it shall change again untill they do something about it
Not just AOL that's cr@p tonite then?
Mine is not too bad..although MySpace was painstakingly slow most times, which is why I don't often go on MySpace.
It's gone really terribly slow these days......I don't know why!! :(
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Hey Imho... xx

I've noticed a very slight improvement in the last 10 minutes or so.
Well that proves my point then no M people are going to bed, ie less use

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My internet is really slow tonight.

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