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Is your partner similar to you or your family?

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ummmm | 13:45 Tue 02nd Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
When I was at my Uncles funeral a few weeks back a cousin asked my Mum who the ginger bloke was. She told him it was my BF.

My cousin thought he was related to us. When my Mum mentioned it to us we looked at Ginger...looked at the cousins...looked back at Ginger...then had a OMG moment. He looks so much like them.

So are you attracted to people who look familiar?


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i'm stunningly beautiful all my partners are inferior to me :-)
Really mcfluff. We should meet so that you can feel the inferiority of standing nex to one of gods truly beautiful people.
never going to happen bobjugs i'm clearly superior to you
In your dreams McFluff. My chiseled jaw, and toned body say otherwise. Worship me as I am an Adonis!

yeah i'm kind of into old balding fat blokes at the moment - go figure (and that's actually true....)
How old, how bald and how fat?
last one was 50, this one is 40's lovely friar tuck bit and fat enough :-)
Well that beats my 28, flat stomach, and receding hairline hands down then lol
certainly does bobjugs!

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Is your partner similar to you or your family?

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