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john1066 | 19:45 Thu 04th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Just had a shower....Don't these years come round quick!!


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Did you shower (like Queen Elizabeth I) whether you needed it or not?
Did you use tiger balm john? Apparently it is the year of the golden tiger
Thought she had a bath once a year, not a shower!
I thought she bathed once a month?
Actually she was launched - just the once mind
Yes you are right, lard, QEI bathed whether she needed it or not. Don't know that they had showers in those days, other than the servant with a bucket standing on a chair!
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I was kidding really...It's the first Friday in every month...
so are you weeks behind or a day early?
Eh no it's not, this is only Thursday!
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Kinnel...I'm a day early....
Well I have a shower, but only when it rains.
Once a year? Sounds to me like sheer extravagent indulgence. Once a leap year would be more reasonable.
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