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Prisoner to father Child

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modeller | 23:26 Fri 05th Mar 2010 | News
11 Answers
Should a prisoner serving 30 years for drug offenses be allowed to father a child by IVF from jail .
He is currently in Wandsworth Prison and has won the right to enrol on the IVF programme.


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no. Basic healthcare i think
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Unless the mother is financially self-sufficient, definitely not - and even if she is, a father in jail doesn't bode well for a child - so no.
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My immediate reaction was who is going to support the mother and child for the next 10/15 years ? We are !
Precisely - and possibly longer. But what about the child? Is that any way for any child to start its life and live its formative years? The idea is selfish and completely thoughtless - and shame on those who condone it.
Yet another child to be brought into the world without a proper father. Same as when two lesbians are given the "right" and single mothers given the "right". A child is not a right or a possession. It is a new person who needs a mother and a father to be parents and role models. Is this prisoner a good role model? Is he going to be there for him or her? Can he provide for him? So how has he "won the right". Crazy pc correct but totally lacking in common sense world that we live in.
Pees me off a bit when I think that my son and his missus have just paid thousands for IVF abroad because the NHS wouldn't fund it - simply because she's a bit overweight.

They're honest, hardworking people who would never knowingly commit a crime. Their child (yes, it was successful - due in May) won't want for love or decent parenting. Can the imprisoned druggie and his girl say the same?
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Answers received on the same subject, that I posted previously.

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Ah! saxy-jag that was your son's mistake being overweight is a crime . Now had he or his wife been murderers or drug dealers then all the do gooders and prison reformers would be sending you off on 1st class travel and accomodation to the Spanish clinic .
Best of luck to your son, daughter-in-law and the new baby.
My main problem with this is that there are lots of law abiding citizens who are desperate for kids and are refused IVF (postcode lottery) and cant afford to fund it them selves but this broccoli gets it for free and the WE pick up the tab of his child care.
So NO, he should not have this privilige.


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