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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:44 Tue 09th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
Morning bobbi xxx and seeks xxx Might as well open up the morning thread. I'm awake at this time every morning bobbi. It's the best time of day!


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What's occurring at 7.45 WBA? Some pointless football match.?
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Morning mwba. 7.45 this evening?
keep your chin up and a hankie handy boxtops and thing of a drop of your favourite that you can enjoy this evening.
Ha, there's an incentive then to get thru the day! Hey Ho Hey Ho and off to work we go....
Morning Hippy...It could be pointless if we don't win you cheeky young lady !
West Brom are playing Sheffield Wednesday,Tuesday...If we lose I'll be grumpy till Thursday!
wer'e losing ya
howay the toon !
Cheeky..? Me..? Never!! (come and be grumpy at No.30 - key's under the mat..) ;-)
wot about youse
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Morning beejay. Just in time! I'm about to go and sort the day out.
Have a happy day everyone.
Morning WBM and everyone _ another bright and sunny day over here
Morning All.

A lovely day at AB Towers.

Spare Ed
morning every1
Morning all!
morning wbm xx
morning all, this is the earliest I;ve managed to get on Ab for ages but it's still hearly afternoon lol

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Good morning early birds!

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