'Name That Film' is the title of the current quiz, organised by St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild in Market Deeping, and there is still time for you to apply for a copy. You are asked to solve 40 cryptic clues to identify the titles of films old or new. The closing date is 29th May, 2010, and there is a prize of £25.00 for the winner.
Please send £1.00 (preferably a cheque made payable to St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild) and a stamped self-addressed envelope to:-
3, Church Street,
Deeping St. James,
PE6 8HF.
Sorry to ask, but is this the quiz where you posted that an all correct sheet had been returned? seemed an odd thing to do, but sincere apologies if I have the wrong quiz. My point being is if someone is not a film buff they may have been slightly deterred by that.
In this quiz, all all-correct answer sheets will have a numbered cloackroom ticket stapled to them. The other halves of the cloakroom ticket will go into a draw on the day following the closing date. Everybody submitting a correct sheet has an equal chance. Don't worry!