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I can only agree with you smurfchops,
Sadly it is just one (of the many) things that should have been put right when "New" AB was instituted.
All these things still need doing,but equally sadly ABEd's and their techies don't seem to notice.or if they do,do not have the time or resources to carry them out!
They didn't listen much on "old" AB so I suppose it's too much to suggest they might listen more in this reincarnation?
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It was increasingly being used by people to post their views or opinions on matters and then immediately closing the question so nobody could reply which is kinda not what this site is about.
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China is correct. We removed it because members were using it to be intentionally aggravating. This also lead to the annoyed user starting a new thread saying "You closed your thread about tea-time duck hunting regulations - but I still want to say this."

As you can understand, this got a bit messy.

Mr.V we are listening. Just send us an email if you want to go direct to the heart: [email protected]

I think at this point we're at the same level as we were with the old AB - It should all be improvements from here on in.

All the best,

Spare Ed

(P.S. Feel free to list what we've missed below!)
I think you mean Chuck, not China ED.....unless there is something Chuck has been keeping secret all these months ;-)
''tea-time duck hunting regulations''

Interesting. Got a link?

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Do you know the answer?

Can we bring this back please

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