Warburtons Bread in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Warburtons Bread

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Matheous | 20:16 Sat 13th Mar 2010 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
Why does their wholemeal loaf look & taste like a wooly jersey?
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No idea Matheous but don't try their new tiger loaf either. Truly awful. Way too light and fluffy and with a huge air gap under the crust so it immediately separates from the bread. No thanks Warburton.
Iv'e tried it and the answer is Yuk ....
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You can't beat a good unsliced wholemeal loaf made on the premises that you can cut as thick as you like and spread with butter! Although butter's not too good for my cholesterol level....
The reason it tastes like that is to match all the other breads they make.
Their crumpets are awful too. Really heavy. Give me a cheaper make anytime.

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