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Work moan

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Hazel104 | 11:41 Mon 15th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Right need to have a work related moan so I don’t snap at my boss!

Just the two of us in the team, a few months ago she is complaining her workload is too much, I offer to help and say I’m happy to take on more. She gives me a project. I’m really pleased and excited as its quite a high profile project and get stuck in, all going well everyone happy/impressed.

This morning she starts taking over and I find out there are few calls/emails she has had that she has not passed onto me, now she tells me “oh I’m quite interested in this I’ll take over from now” – just as it’s getting to the really interesting bit!


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your boss and this woman.. the same person?
Question Author
then you should have seen it coming, lol!

seriously, she's insecure and you're supporting her. she must know how transparent that is. well done for being a better person than her ;o)

are you going to kill her now?
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She has just asked me a few questions as she doesn’t understand some of the techy bits, I'm doing a lot of deep breathing and tongue biting today!
get some blu-tak, make an effigy, get pins........

you'll feel so much better ;o)
just smile through gritted teeth...........and don't do it again.

Years ago I went on a workshop and one of the speakers was a woman very high up in HR.........she said the key to getting on in business was not just doing a great job, it was letting everyone know what a great job you were doing.
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Great idea sara ;-)
It’s odd she has been such a great boss, so supportive. Think I will stick to my role (we have very different roles really). Plus I had decided over the weekend to stay another year, I’m sticking for the next bonus and then clearing off!

Thank you for listening x

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