Gingers got one that says on the front 'fcuk you' and on the back it says 'you fcuking fcuk' He forgot he was wearing it when he ran out to the ice cream van. He wondered why the kids were looking at him funny.
seeing the tee shirt of dustypuss reminded me of when my son was travelling to university with fcuk on his.At the airport he was stopped by the police and made to put it back on inside out.
My husband went abroad with someone who had a t shirt saying Look Out Here Comes Trouble on it. When they got to customs they were there for quite some time!
Back in 1982 I lived in California and I had a Tshirt specially screen printed with...
'FALK OFF ARGENTINA' on the front and 'THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK' on the back.The movie with that title was still very popular.
When I was pregnant (many years ago) I had a t shirt with a big red arrow on the front pointing downwards. At the end of the arrow it said "Under Construction" (just about where the bump was).
When my son was at Sixth Form College he wore a t-shirt that had an eye test chart on the front and underneath it said 'while you are looking at this I am checking your
t!ts out' - he was sent home by the Principal.