Another time a woman came clear across the room to ask questions about it. She kept on and on.
At one New Years Eve dance, a girl ran her hands over my kilt (over my bum) to see if I was wearing anything underneath. I was at the time, ( It was a bet for charity that I had to wear nothing male underneath. My missus had bought me some womens sports knickers) So I nipped home and removed them. My elbow got freezing cold on the way back to the dance. She said she was determined to find out what I was wearing and threw her hands up under the kilt, found a freezing cold elbow. She screamed. Everyone looked and the missus wouldn't talk to me for weeks.
Two girls crept up behind me and lifted the kilt up high while I was in London, commando style.
All in all, the missus likes it but not the attention it gets me from other women. I love the attention I get from women but worry when the blokes start. But I have bad news. Later this year we are off to Scotland and guess what, all I am taking is my highland outfits.
I can only presume that it is being dressed smartly that turns women on. It has given me a lot of fun over the years too! But with the jackets and waistcoats, I feel smarter than I normally do.
In case any Scots are looking in, I have Scots ancestry, but the philabeg (small kilt) is an English invention. Rawlinson from Newcastle invented it for his foundry workers in Glen Etive (to save them stripping naked to wash their upper bodies as they had to in the great kilt. Bagpipes originated in India and Whisky from Ireland!
I find long hostess kilts sexy on women.