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does it make you feel better when you see..

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Bobbisox | 14:11 Thu 18th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
the buds appearing on the trees, the washing outside flapping in the wind, the light nights, not wearing socks and boots..??????

Bobbi ♥


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All of the above Make me feel great Bobbi. Daffs are coming along nicely and all the crocus are out. Life is good :o)
O and hearing the birds chirping early in the morning... you know definitely spring is here.
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yes Maizie it is pet, we have had a long Winter and now people are starting to feel alive
Bobbi ♥
Yep snowdrops are out in the back garden and the daffs are nearly there...........shame the builder is back in 2 weeks time to dig everything up :-(
yes its a much nicer walk to work
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High Society..agree
I am feeling good today , got my result from having the boobies put into a
and all is well thank God ♥
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craft what do you live in Buck
that builders been there some time, did you lock him in the shed till Spring has Sprung
Boobie ♥
We have two birds that always always always sit on the house opposite making a racket at the crack of dawn....

Anyone got a catapult I can borrow?????
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I would like to stick a straw up the wood pigeons ar$es, and send them cooing to bl00dy Scotland!
Hearing the chirping birds always wells up happy feeling in me. I love them...
-- answer removed --
Oh yes.. DEFINITELY. I see small birds flitting in and out of the hedges and real primroses and snowdrops under the trees. The washing is always hung out in this weather and one of my linen posts has keeled over with the strength of the wind in the double sheets billowing like crazy.
I am outside gardening (between posting on here) and I love the fact that robins and blackbirds jump around near where I am turning over the earth waiting for a worm. I alway toss worms over to them as I love to feed the birds.
^^ REPORTED for worm murder.
What about the feeding of worms to a sibling then?:
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we are nice people aren't
the blue titts have started nesting in the garden boxes and the little wren is back checking out last years nest site. They built their nest (well he did) in the trellis behind the clematis. Saw 4 little wrens fledge last year. Warm the cockles doesn't it :o)

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does it make you feel better when you see..

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