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Good Luck peri at the hospital today♣

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Bobbisox | 13:17 Thu 18th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Bobbi ♥


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Be Alpha !!

Thanks bobbi and JJ - leaving at 2 - and hoping for medication today - fingers crossed
Fingers and legs crossed for you Peri xx
Best wishes Peri ♥
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Oh dear I don't think you'll fit in the car - can I meet you there a chara (cara is friend in Irish btw)
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And 'Lady' is a silly old cow :-)))))
Not 'lady' B INT...Rararara
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Hope all goes well Peri.
Good luck peri. Do we all get cake afterwards? xx
lots of luck peri xxx

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Good Luck peri at the hospital today♣

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