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has anyone else noticed a change to their subscribed threads?

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dothawkes31 | 23:46 Thu 18th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I only had 2 but one's vanished!


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I think they do disappear after a while dot. Not sure how long but it has happened to me in the past.
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cheers jan, the one left is the longest thread one which was ages before the other one about that photo of the old car, wonder why it's been dropped from my subscribed threads?
Right Ladies (and I use that term loosely lol) nice to see you both and forgive my earlier blond moment lol!

Take care Hxx
I've never subscribe to a thread. Don't want to be bombarded with notices
So me and dot are loose women then lol. Mind how you go. xx
I think the site is a bit faster.
I've only got one and it's still there.
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hi naomi, I don't notice the emails saying i;ve had a reply as i only use tha email address for here, and the little box on the right shows when an answer is added anyway,

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has anyone else noticed a change to their subscribed threads?

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