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facebook problem

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deggers316 | 11:03 Fri 19th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
i think that facebook should have started from the beginning with it being available to users with web cams only,so then at least users would be able to have more of a chance of meeting up safely


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Oh christ no.

I frequently visit FB (and here) in my PJ's, with a dressing gown that the dog keeps chewing. Do you honestly believe folk would want to see me dressed as such? And why would we want ot meet anyone from FB anyway? They're all insane- or I am, one of the two.
SO you are saying that people without broadband shouldn't be able to use facebook?
I only have people I know or am related to on FB. Why would they care whether I have web cam or not?
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It is about safety and social media.

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Spare Ed
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i dont use face book or any "social network progs"
and who the hells not on broad band nowadays is it cos you cant get it to too tight to pay for it ?
webcams are bad...!!!

My son was talking to his mate on webcam. Put the lappy down to go me and OH took the opportunity to have a snog...when my son came back there was a message from his mate saying 'tell your Mum I can see her'
were you trying you 'skills' at making porn, Ummmm :-)
No....we knew we were on limited time :-)
who the hells not on broad band nowadays.

well aside from the people that are unable to get it in the UK due to living in a rural location Facebook is worldwide and there are a lot of countries that do not have a decent broadband infrastructure at all.
limited time... that always make 'it' more exciting. :-)

have a lovely day Ummmmy. catch you tonight. xx

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