I wish she would speak properly. She misses the "g" from word endings like comin', doin', sayin', etc and also says 'wiv 'instead of with. She also says 'We done it' instead of we did it and 'haven't done nothin' about it'. UUUUrg! part from that it is watchable.
that's for a speech therapist, or the parents. Jo Frost butts into their lives for a couple of weeks, then goes again. I don't think the kids are concerned about her accent.
I agree! She should learn to talk properly, end of! Not good to talk to children like that, and just to think she was a nanny for years, I would not want her talking to my child. Imagine all the adults, say for example, channel 4 bosses in meetings with her - how they must cringe when she says "We done it" lol!
Don't get me started on her telling parents their kids are overweight - she needs to take some of her own advice!
'' I agree! She should learn to talk properly, end of! Not good to talk to children like that, and just to think she was a nanny for years, I would not want her talking to my child. Imagine all the adults, say for example, channel 4 bosses in meetings with her - how they must cringe when she says "We done it" lol!
Don't get me started on her telling parents their kids are overweight - she needs to take some of her own advice! ''
Would the above be an example of speaking properly then ?
You`re missing the point, she`s there to teach the kids how to behave properly which she does, that`s why she`s called Super Nanny and not Professor Higgins
Oh my god! Sorry but I think your being really petty lol. People speak they way they do because of where they are from or brought up. I think its fine to speak and write however you wish. The main thing here is that you know the "correct" way of talking/writing from the "incorrect" way and apply it when appropriate. These kids are way to young to understand all that anyway. They are still learning. I do sort of see your point, but thats her accent. Hardly anyone speaks the queens English these days. We would have more trouble understanding her if she was from somewhere up north e.g Newcastle or Liverpool.
Oh an Jo Frost does my head in I gotta say! I mean this woman is telling us about how to raise kids although she doesn't have any herself. She is also an only child. I know she has done all the training etc. But having a child 24/7 is a bit different! Getting up 30 times a night will test anyones patients. I love the way she makes it look so simple when reality bites! And the healthy eating thing 'BertiWooster" your right!