Does make me laugh that people always want to give their opinions n views on subjects such as the BA strike when they r not travelling, planning to travel or their only knowledge is from the press which has seemed to be a bit one sided on BA managements side. The staff feel they have a reason to strike then do be it. I wudnt offer my opinion on them, the rail strike or some office worker. We r just a nation who likes to knock everyone down n poke our noses into everyone elses business. Let's hope it all gets sorted soon for everyones sake n stop the politicians etc using it as a convenient political platform in the run up to the election.
gadgetgeek i like poking in their business, maybe i should go on strike we are understaffed not that well paid and very concientous,oh by the way i work with people that are in wheelchairs cant speak cant do anything for themself,yep maybe i should!!