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Can anyone fill me in

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NoMercy | 19:54 Sat 20th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
On what NoKnow said to get banned? An edited version, one that doesn't contravene site rules, will suffice. God forbid anyone contravene site rules.


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klown...chimp...mongler....etc,etc...all the same....the latest-on SAB..was midgetcrusher
-- answer removed --
She used to tell me I didn't have a mind of my own.....tell her you'll meet her outside crafty....get it sorted....or stalk back

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Sorry I've not been posting on this thread... I'm in the middle of cooking dinner...

*Rolls eyes*

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Captin Kirk Mark as Best AnswerReport This(Sat 19:46 20/Mar/10)
This place hasn't been the same lately ... if NoKnow has been banned permanently I'm seeing less and less reasons to bother coming on this site ...


You and me both, Kirky.
Hi doc....and I thought you were one of the wise ones on here.....;-)
hiya am I...but I keep getting distracted......
I see Darren has disappeared.........
I've flounced.

seeya, chaps.
that's a bloody cheap flounce sara...........
I know, I'm not very good at making a scene!
you're not really off are you :-(

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