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caslass | 23:32 Sat 20th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
When my father died and I was told by a telephone call at work. I was amazed when I left the office that the sky was still blue, the grass was still green, and people were going about their daily buisness. No matter what happens life goes on, whether we are here or not. If people choose to leave this site, or are made to leave, life will still go on, and so will Answer Bank.


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indeed.. but what happened here today was wrong. the site will carry on, but is it fair?
"In the midst of life.we are in death"
For every death there is a birth.

I was out all day, what went down?
The thing is, if anyone's ID is zapped, there is nothing to stop them registering a new id, and if they feel they need to, they can use the same ID but with a slight ajustment. the only time they can't is if their ISP has been blocked.
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tell me sara, when has life ever been fair.
I agree with all of that...

...except for the bit about is only a forum-nothing more, nothing less. It is not untouchable, nor is it one of lifes great creations

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