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Bobbisox | 16:51 Sun 21st Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
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Hi Boo, bloody hell noone came under attack from him more than I did, but once I saw the side of him thats so funny I liked him a lot
Ditto craft, same for me as far as anyone goes really to be honest. I llike Bobbs, I really do, but to claim someone is 100% just from posts put on here is a bit daft innit?

Yeah folks liked him, got to admit, i wasn't one of them, but I didn't see what the kerfuffle was about yesterday, so really can't comment other than to say the Ed must have had his reasons.

And to also say "the site wont be the same without him" as some threads claim which i've seen is childish to the extreme, of course it will be. Folk come, folk go, it's the way it works.
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when I say 100% I mean comes over as genuine BOO, maybe a play on words, dunno!
I think you are 100%, don't think you're a liar or a nasty piece but fair minded, that is my interpretation of 100%
I'm not Bobbs, im a gobby cow who's usually grumpy ;-)
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aye but your grumpy and gobby all the time...100%
Could he not register again, using a different email and sticking a 1 after his name?

(Just a thought).
BOOin all seriousness would it be easier fo you to say who you do like :)
Yes probably Dris, err lets see, about 4?
I think the Ed would ban any re registered names Mrs C. Hiya bobbi, nice to see you xx
Can i list who i like too, it won't take long.
Thanks for the reply, cazzz. I don't know what went on yesterday but I would imagine the Ed would have warned nono before giving him the chop?
He did Mrs C
is this post a memorandum for knowknowledge????i liked him too but is this not going a bit too far,nearly every post since yesterday has been about him and i'm just getting a bit weary,going to asda anyone need anything brought back.
Thanks B00. [:o)
In fairness he did warn him before about Site Rules (poodigate)

maybe the Ed needs to open up a bit of a dialogue for Q and A once a week, no polititian replies just straight talking, it may prevent some situations getting out of hand?

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